Things to consider when selecting a daycare

Selecting the right daycare for your child will be one of the most crucial decisions you have to make. What are the factors you have to take into consideration when selecting a quality facility?

First impression

Make an unexpected visit. Do the children look clean, happy and occupied? Is the area clean? Make sure to check the toilets. Look for the attitude of the staff, are they friendly and inviting? Are there separate areas for play, dining and sleeping?

Staff to child ratio

If your child is less than one year there should be one care giver for 3 children and if under the age of three should not have more than five children under the care of one person according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Make sure the facility is child proof and the appropriate temperature is maintained throughout the facility. Are the pick-up procedures secure?


Choose a daycare close to your work place, so that you can check in on the child and you will be close by in the case of illness or injury.


Make sure the facility is licensed by the state.

Finally make several visits before deciding on one.